Adam Why?

My First Post!

My first post! How exciting. ✨

The name's Adam Y. Nice to meet you all. ;)

The idea of creating a blog has been marinating in my mind for 1.5 years now. I just want to share my opinions, insights and the like. I need a creative outlet, you could say. And since I'm short on cash and website creating skills, I'm finally making this free blog with Bear! The platform feels aligned with my values and it looks cool. I appreciate the simplicity.

I don't care about making it big with this. Yeah, to hell with you - I don't care! This is about me expressing myself. This is about me venting out. And I don't want to hold back. Some posts will be more thought out, some less. Who cares?! This is about me sharing with the world, babyyyy. Even if no one reads.

The topics will be whatever - understanding self/mind, how life works, relationships, politics, personal feelings, opinions about all sorts of stuff.

So, without further ado, let's goooooo! 💪